Welcome to Pharos 1.8 - Athena Athena, the goddess of war, specifically represents the intelligent and civilized side of war strategy. She was one of the most intelligent and wisest of the Greek gods. Athena's special powers included the ability to invent useful items and crafts. Similarly Pharos’ war on bugs continues with some intelligent new functionality and improvements across the application. Take a look! |
- Enhancements to Log Util to support profiling functionality.
- Added support for parent/child Logs as well as new views for parent Log details.
- Azure DevOps integration.
- DevOps center integration and new blame view on Issue (beta).
- Jira synchronization logic added for Issues.
- Jira custom fields are now supported at the rule level.
- Add tracking of impacted records on Bulk API errors.
- OpenAI integration and Issue analysis.
- Slack integration now supports direct messaging.
- Dynamic tracing to pull and analyze debug logs (beta).
- New look and feel for Monitoring Event details.
- Updated flow parser and debug view for Winter '24 Salesforce release.
- Pharos error reporting.
Upgrade Instructions
- Perform the package installation as normal. Production install link here. Sandbox install link here.
- If you are using Jira, in Pharos Admin navigate to Integrations -> Jira -> Authentication and re-login to your Atlassian instance.
- If you are using Slack, in Pharos Admin navigate to Integrations -> Slack and re-login to your Slack instance.
Winter '24 Salesforce Release Notes
If your org has been upgraded to Winter '24 this 1.8 upgrade is going to be necessary to maintain flow log functionality. Salesforce has made a number of updates to flow such as introducing new elements and updating the error email format. We anticipate they will make more changes after the upgrade windows as there were some bugs introduced in their error reporting mechanism that we've caught in our testing. Regardless, we have added workarounds of our own to avoid impacts to log functionality. We'll be monitoring any further changes on our end and will release communication about updates accordingly. In the meantime, if you notice different behavior in the flow debug view or anything unusual around flow error handling, please let us know by filing a case in the support portal.
Beta Functionality
For functionality labeled as "Beta" please inquire with us for enablement. If your org doesn't already have a beta feature enabled it won't be available even after upgrade. However, we're happy to work with you to get into our beta program and look forward to your participation!
New Functionality Details
Log Util
- Add support for post processing controls and issue creation flags. It is now possible to pass in post processing controls via the log util and control what type of supporting information Pharos captures for custom logs.
- Lightning updates for debug/warning/event logs. These view have gotten a makeover to support additional sections such as gantt chart.
- Updates to Log Util for profiling and debugging. Added new methods and fields to allow storing event duration and easier generation of debug/event logs.
- Ability to create parent/child logs and tie them to the same transaction.
- Email uploader for retroactive log creation. It is now possible to download exception emails and upload them into Pharos for processing. This allows visibility into past errors for analysis, or for evaluation purposes.
- Pharos log permission sets have been updated to account for new objects and fields.
- Apex class versions were updated to latest api version.
- Post processing optimization by utilizing caching.
- Store Salesforce error code on log and issue records.
- Updates to flow error handling for Winter '24 Salesforce release.
- Pharos error reporting. If you notice any Pharos logs, you can now report them to us. We've made every effort to make what you're sharing with us transparent.
Azure DevOps Integration
Pharos now supports Azure DevOps for integrated ticketing experience:
- There is a new integration menu that’s available for connecting to ADO.
- Jira rules have gotten a makeover and moved under Ticketing Rules in the top level Admin menu.
- Jira Button on Logs and Issues has been renamed to Create Ticket and allows a choice between ADO and Jira.
Bulk API Error Tracking
- Bulk API error logs now have their own dedicated Category: Bulk API.
- Bulk API Logs and Issues now explicitly track impacted objects.
DevOps Center Integration (beta)
- Connect your DevOps center org.
- Track Issues against recent changes pushed via DevOps Center.
- New DevOps Center Issue view to see code diffs and associated Work Items.
Issue Tracker
- If Issue has related issues, default occurrence filter to All related.
- If a duplicate issue occurs under a completed parent issue, re-open the duplicate.
- Duplicate child issues statistics are now counted towards parent issues.
- Removed chatter feed from page layouts due to chatter being deprecated by Salesforce.
- New Download button on Issue under Impacted Users and Objects that allows a full download of all impacted records in a csv format.
- Added "Unlink" option for related issues to remove association with parent Issue.
- Jira logic updates for Issues:
- Synchronize related tickets and issues.
- Automatically update ticket priority.
- Automatically update Issue priority.
- Synchronize duplicate tickets and issues.
- Synchronize “completed” Status.
Jira Integration
- Jira Task page got a makeover to match the Admin interface.
- Deprecated Jira Field Mapping Admin section and moved setting custom fields to Jira Template level instead.
- Reworked token refresh mechanism to make the integration more stable.
Log Retention
- Updated default Age intervals list in retention rules.
- Monitoring rule filter fields list got an update to remove some of the non-functional fields.
- Monitoring Event detail page got a makeover and now includes dynamic charts displaying log records by type and category.
OpenAI Integration
- New OpenAI Integration Key and settings introduced in Pharos Admin.
- Issue Analysis functionality on Issue Detail page that allows:
- Producing a root cause analysis.
- Resolution options.
- Severity estimate and justification.
Slack Integration
- Implement Oauth 2 for slack authentication.
- Removed legacy API token authentication method.
- Slack notifications now support DM’s in addition to channel messages.
Dynamic Tracing (beta)
- Schedule debug log pulls directly from Issue.
- Trace results are automatically added as relevant logs are found.
- Introduced debug modes from trace results that allow retroactive debugging of Apex and Flows.
- Notification support for Trace Results. We’ll let you know when we found the relevant debug log.
Overall, 150+ bugs were fixed in this release. Some highlights below:
- Issues with logical expression and rule processing.
- Removing all logs with hash1 does not clear hash index.
- Stack trace parse result available field is being incorrectly set to true and showing a blank stack trace debug view.
- Same hash values are calculated for different flows.
Issue Tracker
- Impacted Users chart showing blank values in some cases.
- Last occurred on has wrong calculation in some cases.
- Charts in Issue aren’t displayed in some cases.
- Heap size error in Issue tracker debug view.
- Some issues can cause an “Unable to access query cursor data” error.
- UI overlap issue in Impacted users and objects charts.
- Occurrence charts not showing up on Issue in some orgs.
- Some issues generate a “System.ListException: Duplicate id in list”.
Flow Errors
- Flow log - flow log has infinity spinner in occurrence section.
- Infinite spinner when opening multiple flow logs/issues in new tabs.
- Some flows cause a “Regex too complicated” error.
- Orchestration Logs - there is no button to enter the failed flow.
- Orchestration Flow has an issue with Pharos in domain.
- Some flow logs fail to get parsed causing the debug view to not get displayed.
- Orchestration Logs - If broadcast is enabled then the “Step Into” button is not displayed.
- Process Builder logs - highlighted both several nodes for some process builders.
- Apex Stacktrace parse result sometimes doesn't get displayed if there’s an apex error.
- Some flow error emails are not generating log records.
- Some flow errors are marked as Pharos Error.
- Some large flows are flashing on the debug view during step transitions.
- Error is incorrectly highlighting the decision step in some cases.
- Flow view is sometimes showing multiple stop buttons.
- Some flow errors don’t contain related object.
- Asynchronous run path sometimes doesn't get displayed.
Environment Info
- If controllers in false state Sections notifications have no value populated.
- Audit trail is capturing wrong with the wrong time zone in some orgs.
- Indentation is broken for apex in some cases.
Jira Integration
- Some existing rules throw an error during edit.
- Some orgs are unable to complete Jira test during quick start.
- Switching between rules in certain orgs deletes filter criteria.
- Deactivating ticketing rule calls error.
- Jira Task page (via a button) has a UI issue with merge fields.
- Jira Rules - if there are no filter criteria in a rule, some value in the dropdown is still displayed.
- Jira Template - extra fields are sometimes displayed in merge field list.
- Components are sometimes not showing up in the dropdown on Jira template setup form.
- Clicking on a legend in impact charts does not hide values from the graph.
- Jira auth token is constantly invalidated in some orgs.
- Jira rules page sometimes has a UI issue during ordering via the arrow button.
- If a subtask issue type is selected, ticket can’t get created.
- Reset button on Jira Authentication page throws internal Pharos Errors if related active rules exists.
- Priority sometimes does not get synchronized both ways.
- HttpUtilsException exception is sometimes thrown during Jira synchronization.
- Notification template use Log fields.
- Adding Fields Grouping in a rule causes an error in some cases.
- Nullpointer exception when deactivating some monitoring rules.
- Editing existing rule causes an error in some cases.
- Error after deleting a filter in an existing monitoring rule and deactivating it.
- Monitoring notification doesn't work if two or more types of notifications are created for the same rule in some cases.
Bulk API
- Apex CPU time limit exceeded and chunk errors happening frequently in some orgs.
- Some Bulk API errors are not showing the summary and record views properly.
- Too many DML rows: 10001 error is thrown for some logs.
- Too many query rows: 50001 error is thrown for some logs.
Background Job Errors
- Some batch jobs cause “SObject row was retrieved via SOQL” error.
Log Retention
- If filter criteria added to a rule, an error is sometimes thrown on save.
- Creating a log retention rule and deactivating immediately after causes an error.
- Log retention process fails to get started in some cases.
Apex Log Util
- Gantt chart UI issues with scrolling.
- Log util logs aren't getting created properly in some cases.
Log Analytics
- Charts redirection issues - wrong query or redirection from chart to report.
- Functional area is missing from filter criteria in notification rules in some cases.
Slack Integration
- No preselect of channel for previously created notification rule with a channel.
- Quickstart notification to slack sometimes sends the default message even after changes.
Pharos Admin
- Wrong merge fields are displayed during quick start wizard for new Jira rule.
- Quick start wizard quick test mode is sometimes not creating any logs.
- Operator field is blank in some rules.
- When “Error Tracking” toggle is enabled, state there is no toast notification.
- Epic is not set for an issue during Jira quick test.
- Jira ticket sometimes fails to create when a Jira test performed.
- Clicking “Continue” button on quick test page throw a “ChunkLoadError”.
- After refresh, error tracking toggle fails to work in some sandbox orgs.
- Slack channels field is empty during quick start in some orgs.
- if “Messenger” step is skipped, monitoring step can't be completed.
Connected Orgs
- Broadcast mode - logs are not created on target org in some cases.
- Broadcast mode - filter criteria stays on the page when data direction is updated.
- Broadcast filters aren’t removed if a connected org is removed.
Teams Integration
- After searching for a team, all teams disappear from the dropdown in some cases.
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